High Quality Double Glazing
Sash Windows

These made-to-measure sash windows will introduce style to your home…

Sash Windows

Sash windows have long been associated with the character and charm of traditional, picturesque buildings. Historically they have also brought a whole host of problems, such as rattling and draughts.

HomeGuard have the perfect solution with contemporary, double glazed uPVC sash windows that combine classic character with contemporary construction.

Classic Style, Contemporary Benefits

Our mock sash windows present a fusion of modern technology with classic aesthetics, offering not only timeless beauty but also exceptional energy efficiency, providing a perfect blend of style and sustainability.

Fine Detail

Our mock sash horn windows include full run-through detailing, making them a more realistic alternative to sliding timber sash windows with all the energy-saving, low-maintenance benefits of uPVC windows. 

Our Work

Home Guard Ltd. is a fast growing, 100% private, UK owned company with over 20 years industry experience who specialise in supplying windows, doors, conservatories and other home improvements at affordable prices directly to the public.

Our competitive prices, premium quality products and attention to detail have made us one of the most respected suppliers and installers of windows and doors in the UK.

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